E-mail: sanzhenakov [at] gmail.com (sanzhenakov[at]gmail[dot]com)
Web page: https://nsc.academia.edu/AlexanderSanzhenakov
- 2014 – Ph.D. (“Candidate of Sciences”) in Philosophy. Tomsk State University (Tomsk). Specialization: History of Philosophy. Dissertation: “Good and Indifferent in Ethics of Early Stoics”.
- 2009-2012 Postgraduate study (Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk).
- 2009 – M.A. in Philosophy (Novosibirsk State University).
- 2006 – B.A. in History (“Specialist”) Kemerovo State University (Novokuznetsk Branch).
Academic experience
- 2011-Present – Research Fellow, Dept. of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.
- 2012-Present – Institute of Philosophy and Law of Novosibirsk State University.
Research interests
History of Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics and Ethics of Aristotle, Hellenistic schools, Stoic Ethics.
Selected publications
Papers (in Russian)
“Truth that one produces” or the history of philosophy by Elizabeth Anscombe, Philosophy Journal, 2022, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 80–93.
Phenomenological motifs in Aristotle's dialectic, Polilog, 2022m vol. 6, no 1.
Wittgenstein as a “fellow traveler” of contextualist sociology, Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2022, vol. 59, no 1, p. 45-50.
Action without intention: some remarks of analytical philosophy applied to the theory of social action, Ideas and Ideals, 2021, vol. 13, no 4-1, p. 28-41.
The problem of moral progress and stoic cosmopolitanism, Ethical Thought, 2021, vol. 21, no 1, p. 59–70.
Intentionality in the Middle Ages: Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Siberian Journal of Philosophy, 2021, vol. 19, no 4, p. 117–135.
Stoic ethics through the eyes of skeptics, Respublica Literaria, 2021, no 2(3), p. 52–60.
On the way to eliminating theoretical difficulties of sociology of morality // RUDN Journal of Sociology, 2020, no 20 (2), p. 252—262.
Scientific Realism in the History of Ancient Philosophy, Schole. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, 2020, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 702-708.
The origins of an analytical approach to the problems of technology: Aristotle on episteme and techne, Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, 2020, no 53, p. 128-132.
Wittgenstein and Husserl as the reformers of social science, Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2020, Vol. 57, no 3, p. 40-43.
Truth of assertions in the ancient theory of action (Aristotle and early stoics), Philosophical thought, 2020, no 5, p. 41-49.
On the capability of Aristotle’s ethics to become the first philosophy, Schole. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition, 2019, 13, no 2, p. 648-656
On the difference of the approaches of Searle and Durkheim to the description of social reality, Siberian Journal of Philosophy, 2019, vol. 17, no. 2, p. 189–198.
Ancient theater in the light of the notion of catharsis, Tomsk State University Journal, 2018, 427, 91–95.
‘Aristotle’s Metaphysics as а Basis of His Ethics’, Ethical Thought 2018, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 66–77.
‘Aristotle’s Ethics as First Philosophy’, Siberian Journal of Philosophy 16(4), 2018, 267-275.
‘The Stoic “Art of Living”’, ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 11(1), 2017, 236-244.
‘ Universal in Practical Philosophy of Aristotle ,’ Siberian Journal of Philosophy 14(3), 2016, 340–351.
‘ On the Status of External Goods in the Ethics of Aristotle ’, Siberian Journal of Philosophy 14(2), 2016, 150–163.
‘ On the Question of the Status Non-moral Good in Philosophy of Socrates ’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 13(3), 2015, 150–156.
‘ The Attribution of “De virtutibus et vitiis” and Transformation of Plato’s Ethics ’, Platonic Investigations 2(1), 2015, 156–171.
‘ The Philosophical Debate between Stoics and Epicureans: Necessity and Contingency ’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University12(3), 2014, 145–153.
‘Monistic Psychology of the Stoics’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 11(3), 2013, 126–130.
‘ The Impulse and its Role in Stoic Ethics ’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 11(2), 2013, 120–125.
‘The Epistemic and Ontological Content of the Notion of “Indifferent” in the Philosophy of Early Stoics’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 11(1), 2013, 133–137.
‘Kalokagathia in the Writings of Plato’, Herald of the Russian Christian Academy of Humanities 14(3), 2013, 69–74.
‘The Morally Right Action in Stoicism’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 10(2), 2012, 151–156.
‘Notions “Disposition” and “State of the Soul ” In Aristotle and the Stoics’, Herald of Novosibirsk State University 9(4), 2011, 113–117.
‘ Ethical rigor of the Early Stoa’ inΑΡΧΗΓΟΣ. Lectures on the history of ancient philosophy (Festschrift for V.P. Goran) , Novosibirsk 2015, 86–102.
‘ Treatise “On Virtues and Vices ”: A Commented Translation from the Greek into Russian’ ,ΣΧΟΛΗ.Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 10(2), 2016, 754–777.
Book reviews
Review of Polina Gadzhikurbanova, Ethics of the Early Stoa: The Doctrine of the Appropriate , Moscow 2012 ,ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 9 (2), 2015, 425–435.
(in English)
‘The Correspondence of Metaphysics and Ethics of Aristotle’, Actual Problems of Humanitarian and Social Research. Proceedings of the XVI Conference of Young Scientists. Novosibirsk, 2018. Pp. 71-73.
Research projects
- 2017 – Fulbright Fellowship, Visiting Scholars, Washington University in St. Louis (USA, Missouri).
- 2016-18 – Epistemic Concepts in the Context of Practical Reason in the Philosophy of Aristotle and Husserl (Russian Foundation for Humanities);
- 2017-18 – Complementary of Aristotle’s and Husserl’s Metaphysics and Practical Philosophy (Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young PhD holders).
- 2014-15 – Pseudo-Aristotle’s Treatise ‘On the Virtues and Vices’: Translation and Commentary (Russian Foundation for Humanities);
- 2011-13 – Good and Indifferent in the Stoic Philosophy (Russian Foundation for Humanities);
- 2016-Present – Seminar classes in Ancient Philosophy (Novosibirsk State University).
- 2012-14 – Seminar classes in Ethics (Novosibirsk State University).
Association membership
- Russian Philosophical Society.
- Russian Society of Plato.