Razumovskiy O.S. Three reefs of the conception of stable development of the mankind.

In the paper, the contradictions between the conception of stable development of the mankind and such three principles, as the cyclic development of civilization as a certain organisms, the mortality of all organisms, and the organic activity, are analysed. The author draws to the conclusion that the mankind entails troubles and catastrophes, and that is the result of the fundamental systems’ laws.

Markov U.Y. On the eve of a new Reformation.

The situation of an acute opposition of the highly developed and developing countries of the World, in the socio-economical and political spheres, is examined by the author. The latter considers this situation to be fraught with consequences, i.e. with deep upheavals in the nearest future, if a new spiritual paradigm, abolishing the present system of values, has not been elaborated and carried out in the life. In the pager, the mechanism of formation of the system of values, adequate to the standards of the stable development, is proposed.

Suprun V.I. Social acceleration or the stable development. Reality and paradigms.

In this publication, the crucial issues of modern research in the sphere of social sciences are the subject of the author’s investigation. The interdisciplinary and cross-cultural analyses are applied. The actuality of the problem is revealed through the economic, sociological and cultural data. Social acceleration is examined as a global phenomenon. Novelty, discontinuity, complexity, etc. Are described as manifestations of this global tendency. “Industrialism” and “economism” are depicted as out of date paradigms. The social stability is correlated with the necessity of introducing of new indicators and humanism as the basic value orientation.

Bobrov V.V. To putting of the problem “The stable development of society”.

On the basis of the theory of man’s requirements, the main problems connected with social division of labour are examined. Processing from the interests of the country at large, the author points out at the key moments of social relations, those in which contradictions, giving rise to strained relations in this society, are concentrated.

T’ugashev E.A., Popkov U.V. The noncapitalistic way and the problem of stable development.

The paper confides to the reader the new trend in working out of the problem of stable development - its correlation with the theory and practice of the noncapitalistic development: contradictions of the conception of stable development are fixed; review of search of the alternatives to the western type of economic growth is given; different forms of the noncapitalistic development are analysed; the problem of the anticapitalistic potential of the Russian civilization  is touched upon; the significance of generalisation of experience of noncapitalistic way of development for overcoming of the crisis of the world civilization is shown.

Moskalenko A.T. Form of property and the problem pf choise of the model of stable development.

Examining different forms of property, the author draws to the conclusion that private property disjoins people, brings them in the state of resistance to each other which, in its turn, causes the appearance of anarchy in the process of production. Only social property favours the balanced regulation of the social life, the transition of economic functions from the state of diffusion to the organized, conscious use of the Nature and Society laws of development.

Rozov N.S. The rational philosophy of history: values, spheres of being, and dynamic strategies.

The research programme of theoretical history is outlined by the author of this paper according to the methodology of Imre Lakatos. This programme includes: a) the values premises on “what is essential in history”; b) four basic ‘spheres of being’; c) seven ‘dynamic strategies’ (procreation, creation, migration, violence, technological change,  socio-engineering, cultural change); d) synthesis of such concepts as co-evolution, feed-back loops between trends, historical systems, attractors and transsystemic transformations. On this basis, the primary conceptualization of ‘meaning of history’ is made.

Bubenkov U.P. Three stages of man’s development (a sketch of the ethico-philosophical basis of the theory of personality).

The author affirms that any man is given to pass through the following three stages of development: “animal-man, man and personality”. At the second stage, from necessity, man becomes a superman. Only those of people, who get rid of the superman’s defects in themselves, become personalities. In the author’s opinion, such evolution of individuals is connected with activity of the cosmic law, and it was obvious for many outstanding thinkers. On this conceptual basis he offers to create all over again philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, psychology, pedagogics, etc.

Markhinin V.V. The spiritual fundamentals of the Russian communism.

The author examines the reason allowing to conclude that the national ideal of councilness (“sobornost’”), being the ideological basis of the Russian communist project, can be regarded as the product of synthesis of the orthodoxy, keeping the faithfulness for the dogma of the council of the Christian church, and the ethic standards of the communal “pagan” (atheistic by its nature) cult of the Mother-Earth. He considers that comprehension of the religious and atheistic deu-identity of the spiritual content of the national consciousness is a necessary thing for developing of the theory of communism and for strengthening of the unity of the Russian people’s patriotic movement.

Olekh L.G. Philosophy of regionalism.

The regional policy needs require elaboration of the proper conception and its categorial apparatus. In the system of conceptions as the subjects for the philosophical analysis “region”, “regionalism”, “regional policy”, its subject and object, regional values and regional justice are present. In the paper, an adequate reflexion of the regional development and functioning is constructed. The system of sciences, reflecting the regional section of socium, includes in itself, as the methodological basis, working out of the optimal prognoses and coming to constructive political decisions in philosophy of regionalism.

Turchenko V.N. Humanization and humanitarization of science.

In the paper, the concept of humanism and humanitarism are investigated. It is explained that in the scientific and publicistic literature these concept are often mixed up. The author gives substantiated definitions of the latter, those ensuring their proper use. The essence of humanization and humanitarization of science as a specific form of the social consciousness is revealed; the concrete ways of humanitarization of science and the significance of this process for the solution of the global problems of the present are determined.

Chernenko A.K. The conceptual principles of the legal technology.

In the paper, one of the main problems of the philosophy of law - method and way of the scientific constructing of the legal situations. Institutes and systems is investigated. The conceptual principles of the legal technology and mostly its scientific basis is analysed practically for the first time in the native literature. Elaboration of these problems has not only the theoretical but also applied character, especially in the modern conditions of Russia, when the new paradigm of the law and the legal regulation is elaborated.

Kravets I.A. The conceptual foundations of the Russian constitutionalism.

The conceptual foundations of the Russian constitutionalism are discussed by the author from a position of the modern demands made of constitution. Principles of leadership of law and constitution, those of limitation of the State power, of the institutional control over the rulers, as well we of separation of the authorities are analysed with taking into account the world tendencies of democratization, socialization and internationalization of constitutions in the light of the socio-economic and political-law reforms, carried out in Russia.

Isakova N.V. The social policy strategy in the North: the ethno-cultural aspect.

In the new Reformation period in Russia, the necessity of working out of the social strategy arises. In this paper, the ethno-cultural context of Siberia and some peculiarities of the vital activity of man in the North, those caused by the natural conditions of the region, are examined. The behavior of different ethno-social groups in the new reality of their existence is analysed too. The author suggests that the social policy must be based on a series of principles, which come to light through the whole complex of concrete measures.

Zolototrubov V.S. The migration processes in Evenkia.

The migration processes in the North of Russia, caused by changed in the system of social relations, have far going consequences. Such conclusion of the author seens to be rather convincing due to the statistic and sociological data adduced by him.Of a special interest information on the character of inner and outer migrations of the local and alien populations is. This information disclaim prognoses of some politicians made in the 1991-1992 years.

Sharypov O.V. About the role of the Planckeon conception in formation of the principles of common fundamental theory.

In the paper, some new ideas and results, relating to the Planckeon conception, are analysed from the standpoint of their significance for development of the methodology of physics. These ideas exceed the bounds of the Aristotelian logic in solving of the physical and mathematical problems of modern theories. Moreover, they allow to form the logico-methodological base for the “intuitive” approaches to construction of a series of the newest theories. The analysis of conformity of the Planckeon conception to the system of gnosiological principles and the methodological ones of the concrete sciences is adducted here too.

Karpovich V.N. About the subject of logic.

The paper is devoted to logic as one of the most important disciplines in the traditional  philosophy. The author states that there is no common definition of the subject of logic. As a rule, the latter is defined depending of peculiarities of the philosophical system. He also explains that the subject of logic has its objective basis which allows (and that’s perfectly obvious!) to speak about the normative status of logic and its world outlook diversity, i.e. about the initial connection between logic and philosophy, The proposed conception allows rather easily to integrate the contradictory approaches into the common point of view.

Bessonov A.V. The truth as an operator and paradox of a liar.

In the paper, the logical theory of the truth expressed by an operator is examined. The author considers it to be proved that such an expressing of the truth (via an operator) yields quite adequate formalization of the situation connected with the problem of the liar’s paradox. The consistent and adequate theory of the truth is developed in such a way that it makes it possible to express the truth within the framework of the language, i.e. not going out beyond that of the doubly valuable logic.

Goran V.P. On the socio-historical conditionality of genesis of the Greek philosophy.

This paper is a sequal of the one, published in the preceding issue of the present Journal (1996, N1). Here, the author pays a special attention to genesis of the Greek philosophy as a new form of the social conciousness. He considers that origin of the philosophy, as a process of going out of consciousness onto the level of the reflective theory of the world outlook, is caused by the making of a new social order, such as the classic Old Greek police and the Greek democracy.

Kamel’chuk E.N. Pseudo-Dionysius and the Neoplatonic tradition.

This publication is devoted to comparison of the philosophical content of the Corpus Areopagiticum with basic ideas of Neoplatonists. The differences in principle are the subject of the author’s research. The stylistic peculiarities of language of the Corpus Areopagiticum are considered by him as a special dialectical system for the possibility of knowing the God, and the absence of such system at Neoplatonists - as the main distinguishing feature between Pseudo-Dionysius and the latter. This deepest difference in principle causes dissimilar treating of the problem of relation between the God and the Universe, as well as the one of throwing into ecstasies.


 *  Translated by Inna Laricheva